What Does Art Mean To Me?

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What Does Art Mean To Me?

Art means different things to different people.  For me art means a few things:what does art mean to me

It’s imperfect.  In fact, in my view, it should not be perfect.  Perfection is manufactured and it’s the imperfections that make art original, different and well, art.  But then art throughout the ages has been imperfect and different.  Abstract art for example is certainly a distortion.  Art, where colours are unrealistic or unique, is another example.  Unless you’re an alien from Star Trek, humans usually don’t have blue skin.  However in art, a subject can have any skin tone the artist chooses.

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How to Not Force Creativity

How Not to Force Creativity Be Creative NowIn anything where there is creativity involved, we can sometimes feel stressed or forced to ‘produce’.  This can be painting, writing, even producing results at work where there is a creative aspect to your job, such as in advertising or marketing.   I may not have all the answers, but I’ve got a few ideas for you which I have personally found very effective and have worked well for me in a few areas.

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How Art is Therapeutic

How Art is TherapeuticAmongst the many misconceptions surrounding art is the belief that you have to be born with the talent to achieve something from it.  So many people are afraid to delve into arts because they think that there is no benefit from it because they do not know anything about it – or they believe they are “talentless”.  Well, let me say, that does not hold true.  I have seen and known of many a person who states they have no skill, gain so much from the actual act of being artistic.  Remember also that art comes in many forms.  Art can be painting, or drama, singing or playing music, or pottery, sculpture, printing … the list goes on and on.  Art has been a large chunk of my entire life; from bringing inspiration, motivation, peace, harmony, confidence and success, it has also brought me a wide array of actions that is advantageous to my growth and well-being.

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How I Cope with Artist’s Block

We’ve heard of writer’s block, but have you heard about artist’s block?

How I cope with artist's block

Frightening as it may seem, the phrase is essentially the absence of creativity; something no artist wants in his life. Although it is not an unusual experience for an artist’s imagination to dry up – which can be frustrating, particularly if you are meeting a deadline or have to produce a piece for an occasion. The process of bringing back inspiration into your craft can be demanding but is well worthwhile.

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15 Ways to Avoid Artist’s Block or Creative Block

15 ways to avoid artist block or creative block

Artist’s block or creative block really is no different from writer’s block. As an author of six business books, the same principles that I opted there work also with art and creativity.

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