How to Improve Productivity in the Workplace with Art, Plants and Music

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How to Improve Productivity in the Workplace with Art, Plants and Music

Donna Stone Art Drawing Jade LadyIt might sound a little unusual that art, plants and music can boost productivity in your workspace, but this is in fact true!  Many might assume that these works of art can be rather distracting and divert one’s mind from the actual work. However, if you are distracted with a work of art, it might boost your productivity as it lowers your stress and increases your wellbeing.

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Benefits of Having Art in the Workplace

Category : Arts

Benefits of having art in the workplace

Rip CurlThere are many strong benefits to having art in the workplace. Let me share a few thoughts with you.

Many businesses will put up a wonderful piece of art in their reception area. This is a great idea; it makes the reception area appealing, inviting and often gives a strong impression of success. For first time visitors, this is the first impression, which of course we can make only one of.

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